Catholic movie reviews for kids
Catholic movie reviews for kids

catholic movie reviews for kids

The women, however, understand all and agree (though they never speak to one another about it) to aid him in keeping his matrimonial vows. It's a woman's film in that the hero (Daniel Day-Lewis) just doesn't get it he's not morally up to the divorcée (Michelle Pfeiffer) with whom he falls in love, neither does he fully appreciate the wisdom of his seemingly naive wife (Winona Ryder). So much for the detrimental effects in these times of the Church upon art.ĭirected by Martin Scorcese: Here Scorcese transforms Edith Wharton's satire on New York during the Gilded Age into a compassionate tale of love and sacrifice. It is interesting to note that the three best directors who ever worked in Hollywood, Frank Capra, John Ford, and Alfred Hitchcock, were all practicing Catholics. Most of them were made by Catholic directors. In addition, this list consists primarily of films that deal with Catholic characters, Catholic society, and the Bible in ways that are not hostile to the Church.

catholic movie reviews for kids

The best religious films, and therefore the best Catholic films, convey the great truths of Christianity implicitly rather than explicitly, not unlike the mystery of incarnation itself, in which the Word became flesh in the person of an obscure carpenter from a hick town in a minor province. The Fifty Best Catholic Movies of All Time

catholic movie reviews for kids

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Catholic movie reviews for kids